10 Cleanest Cities in the World

Miratel prides itself on the CSR business policies that govern the operations of its Toronto contact centre and mail house. With Earth Day approaching on April 22,2014, we were curious to learn how Canadian cities compared on a global scale for the world’s cleanest cities. How Canada and its cities rank on the world’s stage is something we’ve explored before in posts like best country to livesmartest countries, the happiest countries, the  most peaceful countries, the friendliest countries, the most charitable countries, the best countries for quality of life, the best countries for business, the top countries for life expectancy, the best countries for working women, the best country for child well-being, the best countries from social progress, the best countries for higher education, the most popular countries, the least corrupt countries, the countries with the best reputation, the best countries for ease of doing business, the best countries for starting a business, the best country for business, the best country for customer satisfaction, the most gay positive country, the best countries with the most competitive economies, the best countries for entrepreneurship, the most sustainable countries, the best countries to grow old, the best country brand, the most youthful cities, the best cities to live for opportunity, the best countries for business, the most sustainable countries, the most charitable countriesthe most prosperous countries, the countries with the highest minimum wage, the safest countries and the best cities to live in Canada. Today I am adding the world’s cleanest cities to this list as published by the Huffington Post.


Bow River through Calgary, Alberta

Based on these results, the 10 cleanest cities in the world are:

  1. Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  2. Adelaide, Australia
  3. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
  4. Minneapolis, USA
  5. Kobe, Japan
  6. Copenhagen, Denmark
  7. Wellington, New Zealand
  8. Helsinki, Finland
  9. Oslo, Norway
  10. Freiburg, Germany

As Canadians we’re proud to see that Calgary earned the top spot. This finding seems at odds with the fact that Calgary is at the heart of the oil industry in Canada, which accounted for 22% of the country’s green house gas emissions in 2011. Calgary has worked hard to implement green initiatives to offset this and better the environment overall. Its “Too Good to Waste plan”, implemented in 2007, was “Alberta’s road map for waste reduction and management. It identifies the issues and opportunities, and outlines the outcomes, strategies and priority actions to help Alberta advance innovative waste management programs in the future.” This plan hopes that by 2020 they can divert 80% of their trash from landfills.

There is also, Green Calgary a nonprofit that has worked since 1978 to “empower Calgarians to create healthy homes and communities through environmental education, products and services.” On April 23rd 2014, they are hosting an Earth Day event that includes a “reception where you can enjoy live music, great food and drinks, and a silent auction.” Dr. David Suzuki, Dr. Ian Mauro and other local experts will be part of a question and answer panel “exploring issues facing communities, and the leadership required to navigate our collective future.

Calgary topping the list proves that any city can change, and this is especially true when nonprofits, governments and citizens work together towards the same objectives. Congratulations Calgary.


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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centreeBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including inbound telephone fundraisingoutbound telephone fundraisingonline fundraisinglottery fundraising servicesdonation processing and receipting and direct mail fundraising services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all our business decisions  and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

11 responses to “10 Cleanest Cities in the World”

  1. […] instead discuss about the good practices of clean city in the context of a Canadian city, Calgary. Calgary is voted as the world’s cleanest city by Mercer Global Financial and HR Consulting in […]

  2. Which is the cleanest city in the world? | My blog says:

    […] to the 2014 Mercer Global Financial list of the world’s cleanest cities, Calgary, Canada’s oil capital was top of the cleanliness pile, followed by Adelaide, […]

  3. TABBIC - Which is the cleanest city in the world? says:

    […] to the 2014 Mercer Global Financial list of the world’s cleanest cities, Calgary, Canada’s oil capital was top of the cleanliness pile, followed by Adelaide, Honolulu, […]

  4. Which is the cleanest city in the world? | Health City says:

    […] to a 2014 Mercer Global Financial list of a world’s cleanest cities, Calgary, Canada’s oil collateral was tip of a cleanliness pile, followed by Adelaide, Honolulu, […]

  5. Dale Rossetti says:

    I have lived in The Calgary area since ’87: Cochrane, Airdrie, and Calgary. I am entirely curious by which criteria this judgment is made, that Calgary is he cleanest city in the world. I have observed plenty of litter in the form of:

    plastic bags,
    disposable cups (paper and plastic),
    food wrappers,
    shoes strung up on power or phone lines.

    I live near a Taco Bell / KFC; I frequently find their wrappers and cups on the lawn and in nearby bushes. One evening I had the misfortune to witness someone relieving himself into the Bow river. When approaching Calgary, the smog can be disgustingly visible, most noticeably during winter days. When I lived in Airdrie, I recall many instances seeing grocery carts, bicycles, and a vacuum cleaner left in the creek where muskrats live.

    If this is the cleanest, I shudder to think of what other cities are like.

  6. La ciudad más limpia del mundo. Conócela! | Diario Maverick says:

    […] de limpieza pueden ser muy diferentes en todo el mundo, sin embargo, de acuerdo con la lista ‘Mercer Global Financial‘, Calgary lleva la delantera entre las ciudades más limpias del […]

  7. Calgary, la ciudad más limpia del planeta says:

    […] Canadá. La ciudad más limpia del mundo se encuentra en Canadá. Calgary, para ser más exactos, estas ciudad de algo más de un millón de habitantes de la provincia de Alberta ha sido declarada la ciudad más limpia del planeta según la lista “Mercel Global Finance”. […]

  8. […] de limpieza pueden ser muy diferentes en todo el mundo, sin embargo, de acuerdo con la lista ‘Mercer Global Financial‘, Calgary lleva la delantera entre las ciudades más limpias del […]

  9. […] Calgary, la tercera ciudad más grande de Canadá con más de un millón de habitantes, fue elegida como la más limpia del mundo, según la lista del Mercer Global Financial. […]

  10. sarah says:

    great article

  11. sarah says:

    yes canada is number one

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